Nuclear Energy is set currently experiencing exponential growth in South Africa and globally and will be the motor of future growth in the clean energy sector. It is Mzesi's objective to become leader in offering technical support services as one of the key strategies to facilitate the drive to security of energy supply in South Africa.
There is no doubt that energy is a strategic asset so that any nation has to do everything possible to ensure its security of energy supply for generations. Energy needs of South Africa is seeing huge investments by state on energy sources, one of these sources is nuclear energy, which will see the nuclear industry growing by about sixfold, such growth requires expansion in the technical support.
Technical support for entities like the State Agencies in the nuclear industry are in great need. These agencies over the years did not invest in capacity and skills because the industry was downsizing, hence it will take them a long time to gear up for the technical needs of the renaissance in the industry. The nature of technical services in this regard relate to ensuring that the renaissance is done safely. The capital expenditure for such renaissance is in the range of R100 billion. There is also a renaissance in the nuclear industry globally, this renaissance presents another opportunity for a technical support organisation.